ヨーロッパ各国のMaserati Clubが毎年持ち回りで主催する最大のイベント、International Maserati Rallye 2008
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International Maserati Rallye 2008
4th- 7th September
Dresden is located at the Elbe river in Eastern Germany and is, as one of the most beautiful cities of our country, part of the UNESCO Heritage. The landmark of Dresden is the “Chapel of the Ladies” which was rebuilt after the 1945 bombardments with international support as a symbol for freedom and tolerance. Beside that, Dresden offers numerous sightseeing highlights such as the world-famous Zwinger museum with its great Old Masters’ Picture Gallery including Raffael’s Sistine Madonna, the Green Vault, one of Europe’s most splendid treasury museums, the Semper Opera house and many more. The DMC offers all their guests a Sighting Tour in the city of Dresden on the 4th September. Furthermore, the DMC is pleased to invite all owners of the 3500 Vignale Spyder and the great A6G-2000 as a special highlight within this event. We are trying to gather the largest number worldwide of this important models for this weekend. Central point for this event is the Hotel WESTIN BELLEVUE (www.westin.com/bellevue), which is located directly on the Elbe river opposite of the old town of Dresden. Download here the detailled programme and subscription form.
コメント (2)
投稿者: masato
2008年7月31日 19:01
日時: 2008年7月31日 19:01
2009年のInternational Rallyはイギリス!
GoodwoodRevival CircuitでのイベントとConcors d'Eleganceがメイン。英国内には様々な車両があるのだ・・・・!!
投稿者: masato
2008年9月15日 18:26
日時: 2008年9月15日 18:26